The Challenge:

To create an interesting visualization of one of Universal Production Music's new tracks to encourage younger producers of all genders to consider using UPM's library.

Project Overview


25 year old musicians and music producers both male and female


Satisfying loops of imagery mirroring the tone and patterns of the music

Daisy Chains: Ben Beiny / LO-FI DUSK Vol. 2

The chosen song is Daisy Chains by Ben Beiny, a Lo-Fi looping song with calming beats and a relaxed mood. Immeadiately, I started brainstorming different relaxing visuals, and ended up coming up with the idea to create looping environments that reflect the loops in the song. Take a listen to the song by visiting this link: http://links.universalproductionmusic.com/QBvI7c

Exploration & Early Design

Exploring Color & Composition

Early style explorations of different scenes to be animated with a mix of 2D and Cel animation in a looping fashion. Ultimately, we decided to change directions and focus on one scene for the entire piece.

Changing Gears: New direction

New Direction

The original animatic was feeling too scattered and jarring with the cuts, so we decided to focus on just one scene and really enhance the animation of that single scene. The scene we felt had the most relaxing potential was leaves being scattered gently by the wind.

Final Design Direction & Animation

Hand Drawn Guides & Motion Tests

Before drawing any leaves, I made motion paths for them to travel along and used lines to represent the size and spacing of each leaf. Each leaf path was then drawn and animated onto a loop individually, and then offset in the scene for a more organic loop.

Bringing the loops into After Effects

After animating the frames on 2s in photoshop, I brought each .png sequence into After Effects and adjusted path placements and offset timing.


Julia Fogarty

Design, Animation & Art Direction


Adobe AfterEffects,  Adobe Photoshop

Using Format